How to get your Ex Back?
Want to get your ex back and re-ignite the charm, love and care for each other? Missing them and wanting them back in your life? Address the issues and take some steps in order to re-connect. Let's read and know the ways of getting your ex back in your life:
- Give your partner proper private space and time.
- Address the issues which made you apart in the first place.
- It's time for some acceptance and lying low if necessary.
- Control your emotions.
- Do not get angry, sad or irritated. Pay attention and try to mend things.
- Listen to your partner keenly and speak where necessary.
- You are wanting them back, right? So, it will be good if you speak less, listen more and accept your mistakes.
- Try to resolve the issues.
- Mend things that went wrong. Promise him/her that it won't happen again from your side.
- Make them feel special and wanted.
- Show them with your words and actions, how much you love, respect and want them back in your life.
- Fill the void.
- Do not leave any space for misunderstandings and wrong interpretations from the past, in the present and for the future.
- There should be no communication gap.
- Communicate well, understand each other and try to make each other happy.
- Take initiatives.
- It's time to reconnect and do something you've never done for them before. Some romantic and beautiful gestures.
- Look Out for your partner
- Whatever may be the situation never bad-mouth them and save them in any situation and from any circumstance.

How to make your Ex Miss You?
Adopt the given ways and see your ex wanting you more. He/she will not be able to resist themselves to approach you again:
- Look Happy and not sad or depressed because of the break-up.
- Build yourself more, grow stronger or hotter, that they can't resist you.
- Open up towards the social life. Be more interactive and approachable to people. (Not a one person man/woman now)
- Be successful! Success works like a magnet. Once you're at the top, no one would want to leave you!
- Stay determined to the decision of not going back, remain strong mentally and make them realize you've moved on.
- If things become weird or awkward from their side? Do not pay heed. Act like it doesn't affect you anymore.
- Go out with your friends and family. Post your pictures, looking happy and satisfied.
- Be You! If they want to come back, they will have to accept you as you are. Do not change for them, they've lost their chance once!

How to win him back over text?
- Make sure, you are not blocked from anywhere, that may be a good sign.
- Try to approach him but if not possible, text him.
- Text him over all the sites and places: Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, E-mail, Snapchat, and all other apps you both use. You may win him over, with this sweet gesture.
- Tell him his value in your life, how much you love him and are sorry.
- Let him know whatever you have in your heart. Draft an emotional message.
- Send them your pictures or any memories together. Nostalgia will strike!
- Be sorry, ready to listen and mend things.
- Text him over and over again, but in a limit until he realizes you're really sorry and want him back, that he replies.
- LOVE, the one thing that binds you together. Shower it through your text messages, voice notes, images, quotes and emoticons.
Use these methods to get your ex back and start your relationship again with happiness and love. These ideas will lead your ex back into your life! Do not wait till they get over you, let them know how much you care and want them back in your life. 
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