How to get over someone:
It’s never easy to forget someone you’ve loved with all your heart and a person with whom you thought forever with or even the thought that it won’t come to an end this way. Everything happens in time, sad or happy. Let’s not grieve over something that is gone, focus on your present and upcoming future. Anyone in your life can leave you at any point in time, willingly or unwillingly. Want to get over someone you loved? Try these ways and devote time to yourself. 
How to get over someone you love:
- Let the emotions out
- Let your emotions out by crying, shouting or any other way. May that be in front of someone or isolation.
- Write it down
- Write your feelings down, you'll feel light-hearted.
- Distance Yourself
- Distance yourself and shut all the ways of contact with that someone.
- Make Peace
- Understand and analyze the situation. Try to move on. There’s no going back.
- Indulge Yourself
- Involve yourself. Focus on the things you love, your hobbies or activities you like to do.
- Magic Sleep
- Whenever your mind starts filling up with all those feelings again, try sleeping, you’ll feel better once you wake up.
- Give it Time
- Nothing happens in a blink of an eye, things take time. Your feelings and vulnerability will also take time to go.
- Find Someone
- If nothing works, find a new partner who helps you to move on, directly or indirectly. Give them your 100%.
- Family Time
- Talk to the people who will never leave you- Your Family. Discuss, sit and spend some quality time with them.
- Focus on yourself. No one’s worth crying for in today’s world. Because if that person would’ve cared for you that much, he wouldn’t have left in the first place.
How long does it take to get over someone?
- Time is the main factor when it comes to getting over someone you used to love.
- Healing takes time.
- Life has to go on, no matter who leaves you. It may be any family member or the person you loved.
- It may take a day or two, a month, a year, a decade or any period of time to get over someone, it depends on the intensity of your relationship and also how strongly you face it.
- Take help, if necessary.
- There are some studies conducted which tell us an average time duration of getting over a heartbreak. You can read that on google.
How to stop being obsessed with someone:
- Stop being vulnerable.
- Find the reasons for the obsession.
- Get rid of their things and photographs, if you have any.
- Distance yourself and analyze the situation.
- Find ways to get over it, by being with someone or doing something that takes up your time.
- Realize how toxic this is for you and how badly it will affect you.
- Let things go, make peace with what you have.
- Meditation and Yoga can help.
- Be enthusiastic, start looking forward to wonderful and futuristic things.
- Start looking out for the people who actually love you, take their support and comfort.
- There’s no way you can’t stop yourself obsessing over someone, again the time factor comes in. Just stay strong and fight everything that comes in your way.

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